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Excess cash in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-09-17Updated:2024-09-17
Similar words: excess capacityexcess chargeexcessexcessivenessto excessexcess fareexcessiveexcess income
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1 The next figure of interest, the excess cash sum, is misleading, to say the least.
2 All ludicrous examples of local councils wantonly spending excess cash are gratefully received.
3 Banks are generating record profits and using excess cash to buy out competitors and repurchase their own shares.
4 Ensure excess cash is managed to maximize earning potential.
5 Having been careful for years to keep excess cash out of the economy,[] Beijing opened the sluice gates to counter the global financial crisis. It has been too slow to close them.
6 China has been struggling to rein in excess cash to control inflation, but pressure is growing on Beijing to let its currency appreciate faster.
7 Unable to find any, it returned the excess cash to shareholders at the end of 2008.
8 The excess cash has fed inflation, which neared a 12-year high of 8.5 percent in April.
9 This would enhance its ability to withdraw excess cash from the financial system.
10 You have a business that generates excess cash. Now, either you milk the cow, or you sell the cow to someone else.
11 Stock Repurchases Companies sometimes repurchase their own stock with excess cash rather than pay a dividend.
12 Firms raised more external finance than they needed, using the surplus to repay bank debts and build up excess cash.
13 Also , especially when aspherical, an effective way to vaporize excess cash for almost no good reason.
14 Through the development of cash budget, the manager can identify the periods in which there may be either a shortage of cash or excess cash balance, and then make proper arrangement in advance.
15 Some have suggested that the Fed be authorised to issue debt, as many other central banks do. This would enhance its ability to withdraw excess cash from the financial system.
16 Well-managed companies frequently review their bank balances for the purpose of transferring any excess cash into cash equivalents or other investments that generate revenue .
17 In effect it created so much demand by hundreds of millions of people with excess cash that far outstripped available supply hence inflation was the inevitable result.
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